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Tue, 10. Sep at 10:30
WIAS HVP11 R 3.13...
Verifying the equivalence or non-equivalence of quantum circuits with tensor networks
Abstract. The development of quantum computers and algorithms is currently rapidly accelerating and will likely continue to do so in the next few years and even decades. As these systems continue to increase in size and complexity, there is an increasing need for methods to aid in their design. In particular, there is a need for debugging tools at each level of the quantum computing stack, specifically in the compilation and optimization of quantum circuits. In this work, we bridge the gap between quantum many-body physics and computer science by using tensor network techniques to verify the equivalence or non-equivalence of quantum circuits in order to detect errors that may occur during the many steps of this process.
Wed, 18. Sep at 16:30
EN 058
Classes of matroids for which Tutte polynomials are universal valuative invariants
Abstract. Matroids are generalization of both graphs and hyperplane arrangements. Many interesting invariants of these combinatorial objects are valuative. Two prominent examples of valuative matroid invariants are the Tutte polynomial and the \mathcal{G}-invariant. The relevance of the \mathcal{G}-invariant steams from its universal property that any other valuative invariant can be obtained as a specialization. Nevertheless, the most intense studied invariant of matroids is clearly the Tutte polynomial as it respects deletion and contraction. An interesting question therefore is on which minor and duality closed classes of matroids is the Tutte polynomial universal. In my talk I will give a complete answer to this question. This talk is based on joint work with Luis Ferroni.
Wed, 02. Oct at 16:30
EN 058
Thu, 03. Oct
German Unity Day
Wed, 09. Oct at 16:30
EN 058
Wed, 16. Oct at 16:30
EN 058
Wed, 23. Oct at 11:30
An Inexact Generalized Conditional Gradient Method
Wed, 23. Oct at 16:30
EN 058
Wed, 06. Nov at 11:30
Computing Multiple Solutions of Topology Optimization Problems
Fri, 15. Nov at 14:15
HU (ESZ, 0'115)
A Day of Arithmetic Geometry (on the occasion of the retirement of Jürg Kramer)
Wed, 20. Nov at 11:30
Of Rigid and Flexible Polytopes
Wed, 04. Dec at 11:30
Calabi-Yau 3-Folds with Boundary
Wed, 18. Dec at 11:30
Computational Aspects of Quadratic Forms in Determining the Representation Type of Quiver Algebras
Wed, 15. Jan at 11:30
Data Transmission in Dynamical Random Networks
Wed, 29. Jan at 11:30
Coherent Transport of Semiconductor Spin-Qubits: Modeling, Simulation and Optimal Control
Wed, 12. Feb at 11:30
Hybrid Models for Large Scale Infection Spread Simulations