Disclaimer. As a result of the process in which talk data is gathered and in particular the usage of a LLM to, in the worst case, fully transcribe a talk's information (including the title and abstract), I cannot guarantee the completeness and correctness of the information on this page. If you are interested in a talk, please double check the information with the original source. If you find any errors in listed talks or incorrectly included or excluded events, please contact me at lastname (at) zib.de

Who? This page was created and is maintained by Christoph Spiegel and hosted at the Zuse Institute Berlin.

What? This page aims to collect scientific math seminars happening in and around Berlin. For a list of currently covered seminar series, check out the seminar overview. Please contact me at lastname (at) zib.de if you would like to have a seminar added or removed.

Why? Prior similar attempts like the Mathematics Calendar (now defunct) or researchseminars.org rely on the organizers to manually add events on top of maintaining their own system. This page aims to derive its data fully automatically from the original source and therefore should be significantly more complete and up-to-date.

How? Talks are taken from the seminar's publicly available webpage or shared calendar. Mailing list announcements could in theory be incorporated as well in the future, but pose some technical challenges. Webpages are crawled using nokogiri and each seminar currently requires its own custom crawler. If the source is sufficiently structured, each talk can be easily identified and split into date, venue, speaker(s), affiliation(s), title, and abstract. However, I am relying on the OpenAI API's JSON feature to process an increasing amount of talks or partial talk information into structured data.

Can I filter talks? Yes! When browsing upcoming talks or the complete archive, you can click on the field listing how many talks are currently being displayed to expand a filter menu. You will have to agree to cookies being stored so the filter options are saved for your next visit.

Do you have calendars? Yes! Whenever you see a calendar icon, it links to an ics file that can be added to your calendar app through webcal, so you calendar app automatically grabs the latest file from the server at regular intervals. Calendars are generate for each individual seminar and linked on the respective seminar homepage. There are also calendars generated for each category and linked on the seminar overview. If you need a calendar containing all events, you can use the following link: 📅

Do you have a mailing list? Not currently but I am planning one in the foreseeable future that will allow you to filter which events to include and get a weekly or daily summary.

What is your data privacy policy? Please check out the ZIB's impressum and data privacy policy, which also applies to this page. We use matomo to get some basic statistics on how many people visit the page. Cookies are only used to store filter preferences as mentioned above. You can revoke your consent by simply clearing the cookies for this page in your browser.