Universidade de SĂŁo Paulo
The null set of a polytope, and the Pompeiu property for polytopes
We study the null set $N(\P)$ of the Fourier transform of a polytope P in $\R^d$, and we find that this null set does not contain (almost all) circles in $\R^d$. As a consequence, the null set does not contain the algebraic varieties $\{ z \in \C^d \mid z_1^2 + \cdots + z_d^2 = \alpha \}$, for each fixed $\alpha \in \C$. In 1929, Pompeiu asked the following question. Suppose we have a convex subset P in R^d, and a function f, defined over R^d, such that the integral of f over P vanishes, and all of the integrals of f, taken over each rigid motion of P, also vanish. Does it necessarily follow that f = 0? If the answer is affirmative, then the convex body P is said to have the Pompeiu property. It is a conjecture that in every dimension, balls are the only convex bodies that do not have the Pompeiu property. Here we get an explicit proof that the Pompeiu property is true for all polytopes, by combining our work with the work of Brown, Schreiber, and Taylor from 1973. Our proof uses the Brion-Barvinok theorem in combinatorial geometry, together with some properties of the Bessel functions. The original proof that polytopes (as well as other bodies) possess the Pompeiu property was given by Brown, Schreiber, and Taylor (1973) for dimension 2. In 1976, Williams observed that the same proof also works for $d>2$ and, using eigenvalues of the Laplacian, gave another proof valid for $d \geq 2$ that polytopes indeed have the Pompeiu property. The null set of the Fourier transform of a polytope has also been used in a different direction, by various researchers, to tackle problems in multi-tiling Euclidean space. Thus, the null set of a polytope is interesting for several applications, including discrete versions of this problem that we will mention, which are generally unsolved. This is joint work with FabrĂcio Caluza Machado.