Research Seminar Numerical Analysis   📅

Carsten Carstensen
Sophie Puttkammer
Usual time
Tuesdays at 11:00
Usual venue
Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin, Institut fĂŒr Mathematik Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin House 2, Floor 4, Room 2.417
Number of talks
Currently past talks only up to the summer semester 2018 are included.
Tue, 22.04.25 at 13:00
Wed, 17.07.24 at 13:15
The acoustic half space Green's function with impedance boundary condition in d spatial dimensions: Fast evaluation and numerical quadrature
Abstract. In our talk, we introduce a representation of the acoustic half space Green's function with impedance boundary conditions in d space dimensions which avoids oscillatory Fourier integrals. A numerical quadrature method is developed for its fast evaluation. In the context of boundary element methods this function must be integrated over pairs of simplices and we present an efficient approximation method.
Wed, 10.07.24 at 13:15
Lower energy bounds in the Landau-de Gennes model for nematic liquid crystals
Wed, 03.07.24 at 13:15
Hybrid high-order method for the biharmonic eigenvalue problem
Mon, 01.07.24 at 13:15
Abstrakte hybride Galerkin Methoden
Wed, 19.06.24 at 13:15
Guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds for the Schrödinger eigenvalue problem
Wed, 05.06.24 at 13:15
Analysing WOPSIP by supercloseness
Wed, 05.06.24 at 13:15
The acoustic half space Green's function with impedance boundary condition in d spatial dimensions: Fast evaluation and numerical quadrature
Abstract. In our talk, we introduce a representation of the acoustic half space Green's function with impedance boundary conditions in d space dimensions which avoids oscillatory Fourier integrals. A numerical quadrature method is developed for its fast evaluation. In the context of boundary element methods this function must be integrated over pairs of simplices and we present an efficient approximation method.
Wed, 29.05.24 at 13:15
A simple approach for companion operators for Crouzeix-Raviart finite element spaces with inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions
Wed, 22.05.24 at 13:15
Finite element methods for the Landau-de Gennes minimization problem of nematic liquid crystals
Abstract. Nematic liquid crystals represent a transitional state of matter between liquid and crystalline phases that combine the fluidity of liquids with the ordered structure of crystalline solids. These materials are widely utilized in various practical applications, such as display devices, sensors, thermometers, nanoparticle organizations, proteins, and cell membranes. In this talk, we discuss finite element approximation of the nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations associated with the Landau-de Gennes model for nematic liquid crystals. We establish the existence and local uniqueness of the discrete solutions, a priori error estimates, and a posteriori error estimates that steer the adaptive refinement process. Additionally, we explore Ball and Majumdar's modifications of the Landau-de Gennes Q-tensor model that enforces the physically realistic values of the Q tensor eigenvalues. We discuss some numerical experiments that corroborate the theoretical estimates, and adaptive mesh refinements that capture the defect points in nematic profiles.
Mon, 13.05.24 at 15:15
Quasi-optimality of adaptive FEMs for distributed elliptic optimal control problems
Abstract. In this talk, we will discuss the quasi-optimality of adaptive nonconform- ing finite element methods for distributed optimal control problems governed by m-harmonic operators for m = 1, 2. A variational discretization approach is employed and the state and adjoint variables are discretized using non- conforming finite elements. The general axiomatic framework that includes stability, reduction, discrete reliability, and quasi-orthogonality establishes the quasi-optimality. Numerical results demonstrate the theoretically pre- dicted orders of convergence.
Wed, 08.05.24 at 13:15
Inf-sup bounds for semilinear problems from nonconforming discretisations
Wed, 24.04.24 at 13:15
Pressure-robustness in Navier-Stokes simulations
Wed, 17.04.24 at 15:15
Guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds via a conforming FEM
Wed, 17.04.24 at 13:15
Discussion on duality in the Poisson model problem
Fri, 08.12.23 at 13:15
Hs(Ω) for 0<s<1 (Fortsetzung)
Tue, 05.12.23 at 11:15
Adaptive Mesh Refinement for arbitrary initial Triangulations
Abstract. This talk introduces a simple initialization of the Maubach/Traxler bisection routine for adaptive mesh refinements. This initialization applies to any conforming initial triangulation. It preserves shape-regularity, satisfies the closure estimate needed for optimal convergence of adaptive schemes, and allows for the intrinsic use of existing implementations. This talk results from joint work with Lars Diening (Bielefeld University) and Lukas Gehring (Friedrich-Schiller-UniversitÀt Jena).
Fri, 01.12.23 at 10:00
Hs(Ω) for 0<s<1
Tue, 28.11.23 at 11:15
Contour integration methods for nonlinear eigenvalue problems in nanooptics
Thu, 23.11.23 at 11:15
Particle-Continuum Multiscale Modeling of Sea Ice Floes
Abstract. In this talk, I will start by presenting some quick facts about Arctic and Antarctic sea ice floes followed by a quick overview of the major sea ice continuum and particle models. I will then present our main contribution to its multiscale modelling. The recent Lagrangian particle model based on the discrete element method (DEM) has shown improved model performance and started to gain more attention from groups that are working on Global Climate Models (GCMs). We adopt the DEM model for sea ice dynamical simulation. The major challenges are 1) model coupling in different frames of reference (Lagrangian for sea ice while Eulerian for the ocean and atmosphere dynamics); 2) the heavy computational cost when the number of the floes is large; and 3) inaccurate floe parameterisation when the floe distribution has multiscale features. To overcome these challenges, I will present a superfloe parameterisation to reduce the computational cost and a superparameterisation method to capture the multiscale features. In particular, the superfloe parameterisation facilitates noise inflation in data assimilation that recovers the unobserved ocean field underneath the sea ice. To capture the multiscale features, we adopt the Boltzmann equation for particles and superparameterise the sea ice floes as continuity equations governing the statistical moments. This leads to a particle-continuum coupled multiscale model. I will present several numerical experiments to demonstrate the success of the proposed method. This is joint work with Sam Stechmann (UW-Madison) and Nan Chen (UW-Madison).
Wed, 22.11.23 at 11:15
Hybrid-high-order methods for linear elasticity
Tue, 21.11.23 at 11:15
Time-space variational formulations for the heat equation
Mon, 13.11.23 at 16:00
Adaptive Computation of Fourth-Order Problems
Mon, 13.11.23 at 11:00
Normal-normal continuous symmetric stresses in  finite element elasticity
Tue, 07.11.23 at 11:15
Notes on Morley FEM in 3D
Wed, 01.11.23 at 11:15
Lower eigenvalue bounds with hybrid high-order methods
Tue, 31.10.23 at 11:15
On nonconforming approximations for a class of semilinear problems
Thu, 26.10.23 at 11:15
Unstetige Galerkinverfahren fĂŒr das parabolische Hindernisproblem
Tue, 24.10.23 at 11:15
An enriched Crouzeix-Raviart FEM for guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds
Tue, 17.10.23 at 13:15
Gradient-robust hybrid discontinuous Galerkin discretizations for the compressible Stokes equations
Abstract. The talk introduces the concept of gradient-robustness for the velocity-density formulation of the compressible Stokes and its connection to the preservation of certain well-balanced states. Gradient-robust hybrid discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) discretisations of arbitrary order are discussed. The lowest-order scheme is shown to be non-negativity preserving and, at least in the isothermal case with linear equation of state, to be stable and provably convergent. The gradient-robustness property dramatically enhances the accuracy in well-balanced situations, such as the hydrostatic balance where the pressure gradient balances the gravity force, but also in non-hydrostatic cases for low Mach numbers and small viscosities. This is demonstrated in some numerical examples. (joint work with Philip Lederer)
Tue, 11.07.23 at 15:15
Conforming Galerkin schemes via traces and applications to plate bending -- Teil 2
Fri, 07.07.23 at 12:15
Uni Leipzig
Stabilization-free a posteriori error analysis for hybrid-high order methods
Fri, 07.07.23 at 10:45
Uni Leipzig
Some ideas for the quasi-orthogonality for the Fortin-Soulie FEM
Fri, 07.07.23 at 09:15
Uni Leipzig
HHO for linear elasticity
Thu, 06.07.23 at 16:45
Uni Leipzig
Lower eigenvalue bounds of the Laplacian
Thu, 06.07.23 at 15:15
Uni Leipzig
Discrete Helmholtz decompositions
Tue, 20.06.23 at 13:15
The pressure-wired Stokes element
Abstract. The conforming Scott-Vogelius pair for the stationary Stokes equation in 2D is a popular finite element which is inf-sup stable for any fixed regular triangulation. However, the inf-sup constant deteriorates if the "singular distance" (measured by some geometric mesh quantity Î˜â‚˜á”ąâ‚™ > 0) of the finite element mesh to certain "singular" mesh configurations is small. In this paper we present a modification of the classical Scott-Vogelius element of arbitrary polynomial order k ≄ 4 for the velocity where a constraint on the pressure space is imposed if locally the singular distance is smaller than some control parameter η > 0. We establish a lower bound on the inf-sup constant in terms of Î˜â‚˜á”ąâ‚™+η > 0 independent of the maximal mesh width and the polynomial degree that does not deteriorate for small Î˜â‚˜á”ąâ‚™â‰Ș1. The divergence of the discrete velocity is at most of size O(η) and very small in practical examples. In the limit η→0 we recover and improve estimates for the classical Scott-Vogelius Stokes element. This talk presents joint work with Nis-Erik Bohne and Stefan Sauter, University of Zurich.
Tue, 13.06.23 at 13:15
Guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds with three skeletal methods
Tue, 06.06.23 at 13:15
Tue, 30.05.23 at 13:15
P₁ finite element methods for an elliptic optimal control problem with pointwise state constraints
Abstract. We present theoretical and numerical results for two P₁ finite element methods for an elliptic distributed optimal control problem on general polygonal/polyhedral domains with pointwise state constraints.
Tue, 23.05.23 at 13:15
Advantages of Dual Formulations in Computational Calculus of Variations
Abstract. Duality theory is a very useful tool in the calculus of variations. In this talk we exploit this tool to overcome the Lavrentiev gap phenomenon and to design an iterative scheme for the computation of the p-Laplace problem with large exponents.
Tue, 16.05.23 at 15:00
Minimal residual methods for PDE of second order in nondivergence form
Tue, 16.05.23 at 13:15
Discontinuous Galerkin method for the Parabolic Obstacle Problem
Wed, 10.05.23 at 14:45
Discussion on WOPSIP
Tue, 09.05.23 at 13:15
Implementing HHO for linear elasticity
Tue, 02.05.23 at 13:15
The method of integral equations for acoustic transmission problems with varying coefficients
Abstract. In our talk we will derive an integral equation method which transforms a three-dimensional acoustic transmission problem with variable coefficients and mixed boundary conditions to a non-local equation on the two-dimensional boundary and skeleton of the domain. For this goal, we introduce and analyze abstract layer potentials as solutions of auxiliary coercive full space variational problems and derive jump conditions across domain interfaces. This allows us to formulate the non-local skeleton equation as a direct method for the unknown Cauchy data of the original partial differential equation. We develop a theory which inherits coercivity and continuity of the auxiliary full space variational problem to the resulting variational form of the skeleton equation without relying on an explicit knowledge of Green's function. Some concrete examples of full and half space transmission problems with piecewise constant coefficients are presented which illustrate the generality of our integral equation method and its theory. This talk comprises joint work with Francesco Florian, University of Zurich and Ralf Hiptmair, ETH Zurich.
Tue, 25.04.23 at 13:15
Combining time-stepping Ξ-schemes with dPG-FEM for the solution of the heat equation
Wed, 19.04.23 at 13:15
The hierarchical Argyris AFEM with optimal convergence rates
Tue, 29.11.22 at 11:15
Local equivalence of residuals in random PDEs
Thu, 27.10.22 at 09:15
Discontinuous Galerkin method for the parabolic obstacle problem with a functional a posteriori error estimator
Thu, 20.10.22 at 09:15
A (hybrid) discontinuous least-squares finite element method with built-in a posteriori error estimation
Wed, 15.07.20 at 17:15
GPU computing in MATLAB for a higher-order method
Wed, 08.07.20 at 17:15
Elements of stability analysis for the heat equation
Wed, 01.07.20 at 17:15
Introduction and implementation of an HHO method
Wed, 24.06.20 at 17:15
C0 interior penalty methods for the biharmonic problem
Wed, 17.06.20 at 17:15
DPG for Laplace eigenvalue problem
Wed, 10.06.20 at 18:00
Introduction to dG4plates
Wed, 10.06.20 at 17:15
Unstabilized Hybrid High-Order method for a class of degenerate convex minimization problems
Wed, 03.06.20 at 17:15
Towards an efficient implementation of newest-vertex bisection with separate marking in MATLAB
Wed, 27.05.20 at 17:15
On the Sobolev and Lp stability of the LÂČ projection
Wed, 20.05.20 at 17:15
The parabolic p-Laplacian with fractional differentiability
Abstract. We study the parabolic p-Laplacian system in a bounded domain. We deduce optimal convergence rates for the space-time discretization based on an implicit Euler scheme in time. Our estimates are expressed in terms of Nikolskii spaces and therefore cover situations when the (gradient of) the solution has only fractional derivatives in space and time. The main novelty is that, different to all previous results, we do not assume any coupling condition between the space and time resolution h and τ. The theoretical error analysis is complemented by numerical experiments. This is joint work with Dominic Breit, Lars Diening, and Johannes Storn.
Wed, 13.05.20 at 17:15
Notes on Morley in 3D
Wed, 06.05.20 at 17:00
Abstract nonconforming schemes
Wed, 29.04.20 at 09:15
Adaptive least-squares finite element methods for non-selfadjoint indefinite second-order linear elliptic problems
Abstract. In this talk we establish the convergence of adaptive least-squares finite element methods for second-order linear non-selfadjoint indefinite elliptic problems in three dimensions. The error is measured in the LÂČ norm of the flux variable and then allows for an adaptive algorithm with collective marking. The axioms of adaptivity apply to this setting and guarantee the rate optimality for sufficiently small initial mesh-sizes and bulk parameter.
Mon, 20.04.20 at 11:15
First order least-squares formulations for eigenvalue problems
Abstract. In this talk we discuss spectral properties of operators associated with the least-squares finite element approximation of elliptic partial differential equations. The convergence of the discrete eigenvalues and eigenfunctions towards the corresponding continuous eigenmodes is studied and analyzed with the help of appropriate LÂČ error estimates. A priori and a posteriori estimates are proved. This is joint work with Daniele Boffi.
Wed, 12.02.20 at 11:15
Fri, 31.01.20 at 13:30
Adaptive least-squares finite element method with optimal convergence rates
Wed, 29.01.20 at 16:15
Overlapping Schwarz preconditioning techniques for nonlinear problems
Wed, 29.01.20 at 11:15
Well-posedness of generalized dPG methods with locally weighted test-search norms for the heat equation
Wed, 22.01.20 at 11:15
This presentation is rescheduled on February 12th.
Wed, 15.01.20 at 11:15
Convergence proofs for adaptive LSFEMs and implementation of the octAFEM3D software package
Fri, 10.01.20 at 13:00
Geometric Finite Element
Wed, 08.01.20 at 11:15
Remarks on optimal convergence rates for guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds with a modified nonconforming method
Wed, 18.12.19 at 11:00
DPG for the Laplace eigenvalue problem
Wed, 11.12.19 at 11:15
Numerical Analysis with HHO methods
Wed, 04.12.19 at 11:15
Stability of the Helmholtz equation with highly oscillatory coefficients
Abstract. Existence and uniqueness of the heterogeneous Helmholtz problem on bounded domains can be shown using a unique continuation principle in Fredholm's alternative. This results in an energy estimate of the problem, with a stability constant that is not directly explicit in the coefficients or the wave number. We show, that for highly oscillatory coefficients, the solution can exhibit a localised wave. As a result the stability grows exponentially in the wave number. We discuss how this constant enters in the condition for quasi-optimality, when using a hp-Finite Element Method to discretise the problem and the difficulties that arise therein.
Wed, 27.11.19 at 15:00
𝒟ℋ2 Matrices and their Application to Scattering Problems
Abstract. The sparse approximation of high-frequency Helmholtz-type integral operators has many important physical applications such as problems in wave propagation and wave scattering. The discrete system matrices are huge and densely populated; hence their sparse approximation is of outstanding importance. In our talk we will generalize the directional ℋ2 -matrix techniques from the "pure" Helmholtz operator Lu=−Δu+z2u with z=−ik;k real, to general complex frequencies z with Re(z)>0. In this case, the fundamental solution decreases exponentially for large arguments. We will develop a new admissibility condition which contain Re(z) and Im(z) in an explicit way and introduce the approximation of the integral kernel function on admissible blocks in terms of frequency-dependent directional expansion functions. We present an error analysis which is explicit with respect to the expansion order and with respect to the real and imaginary part of z. This allows us to choose the variable expansion order in a quasi-optimal way depending on Re(z) but independent of, possibly large, Im(z). The complexity analysis is explicit with respect to Re(z) and Im(z) and shows how higher values of Re(z) reduce the complexity. In certain cases, it even turns out that the discrete matrix can be replaced by its nearfield part. Numerical experiments illustrate the sharpness of the derived estimates and the efficiency of our sparse approximation. This talk comprises joint work with S. Börm, Christian-Albrechts-UniversitĂ€t Kiel, Germany and M. Lopez-Fernandez, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy.
Wed, 20.11.19 at 11:15
Convergence of the adaptive nonconforming element method for an obstacle problem
Wed, 13.11.19 at 11:15
Smoothed Adaptive Finite Element Methods
Abstract. We propose a new algorithm for Adaptive Finite Element Methods based on Smoothing iterations (S-AFEM). The algorithm is inspired by the ascending phase of the V-cycle multigrid method: we replace accurate algebraic solutions in intermediate cycles of the classical AFEM with the application of a prolongation step, followed by a fixed number of few smoothing steps. The method reduces the overall computational cost of AFEM by providing a fast procedure for the construction of a quasi-optimal mesh sequence with large algebraic error in the intermediate cycles. Indeed, even though the intermediate solutions are far from the exact algebraic solutions, we show that their a-posteriori error estimation produces a refinement pattern that is substantially equivalent to the one that would be generated by classical AFEM, at a considerable fraction of the computational cost. In this talk, we will quantify rigorously how the error propagates throughout the algorithm, and then we will provide a connection with classical a posteriori error analysis. Finally, we will present a series of numerical experiments that highlights the efficiency and the computational speedup of S-AFEM.
Wed, 06.11.19 at 14:45
Finite element methods for nematic liquid crystals
Abstract. We consider a system of second order non-linear elliptic partial differential equations that models the equilibrium configurations of a two dimensional planar bistable nematic liquid crystal device. Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods are used to approximate the solutions of this nonlinear problem with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. A discrete inf-sup condition demonstrates the stability of the discontinuous Galerkin discretization of a well-posed linear problem. We then establish the existence and local uniqueness of the discrete solution of the non-linear problem. An a priori error estimate in the energy norm is derived and the quadratic convergence of Newton’s iterates is illustrated. This is a joint work with Ruma Maity and Apala Majumdar.
Wed, 06.11.19 at 11:15
Convergence rates for the FEAST algorithm with dPG resolvent discretization
Thu, 31.10.19 at 09:30
Integral equation modeling for anomalous diffusion and nonlocal mechanics
Abstract. We use the canonical examples of fractional Laplacian and peridynamics equations to discuss their use as models for nonlocal diffusion and mechanics, respectively, via integral equations with singular kernels. We then proceed to discuss theories for the analysis and numerical analysis of the models considered, relying on a nonlocal vector calculus to define weak formulations in function space settings. In particular, we discuss the recently developed asymptotically compatible families of discretization schemes. Brief forays into examples and extensions are made, including obstacle problems and wave problems.
Wed, 30.10.19 at 11:15
HHO methods for a class of degenerate convex minimization problems
Tue, 29.10.19 at 11:15
Neue Methoden zur Modellierung von Mehrphasenmaterialien mit MehrskalenansÀtzen - Anwendungsbeispiele aus den Bereichen Materialwissenschaft, Biomechanik und Umwelttechnik
Wed, 23.10.19 at 11:45
A modified HHO method to compute guaranteed lower eigenvalue bounds
Wed, 23.10.19 at 11:15
Two Lowest Order MFEM Examples
Wed, 16.10.19 at 11:15
On the well-posedness of a generalized dPG time-stepping methods for the heat equation
Thu, 11.07.19 at 16:00
On Fractional in Time Evolution Problems: Some Theoretical and Computational Studies
Wed, 10.07.19 at 09:15
FEAST spectral approximation using dPG resolvent discretization
Fri, 05.07.19 at 09:15
Topics in Least-Squares and Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Finite Element Analysis
Abstract. The first part of this thesis defense explores the accuracy of solutions to the LSFEM. It combines properties of the underlying partial differential equation with properties of the LSFEM and so proves the asymptotic equality of the error and a computable residual. Moreover, this talk introduces an novel scheme for the computation of guaranteed upper error bounds. While the established error estimator leads to a significant overestimation of the error, numerical experiments indicate a tiny overestimation with the novel bound. The investigation of error bounds for the Stokes problem visualizes a relation of the LSFEM and the Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi (LBB) constant. This constant is a key in the existence and stability of solution to problems in fluid dynamics. The second part of this talk utilizes this relation to design a competitive numerical scheme for the computation of the LBB constant. The third part of the talk investigates the DPG method. This investigation relates the DPG method with the LSFEM. Hence, the results from the first part of this talk extend to the DPG method. This enables precise investigations of existing and the design of novel DPG schemes.
Wed, 26.06.19 at 09:15
Morley FEM for a distributed optimal control problem governed by the von Karman equations
Abstract. In this talk, we consider the distributed optimal control problem governed by the von Karman equations that describe the deflection of very thin plates defined on a polygonal domain of ℝÂČ with box constraints on the control variable. The talk discusses a numerical approximation of the problem that employs the Morley nonconforming finite element method to discretize the state and adjoint variables. The control is discretized using piecewise constants. A priori error estimates are derived for the state, adjoint and control variables under minimal regularity assumptions on the exact solution. Error estimates in lower order norms for the state and adjoint variables are derived. The lower order estimates for the adjoint variable and a post-processing of control leads to an improved error estimate for the control variable. Numerical results confirm the theoretical results obtained. This is a joint work with Sudipto Chowdhury and Devika Shylaja.
Wed, 19.06.19 at 09:15
A Posteriori Error Estimates of Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Elliptic Obstacle Problem
Abstract. This is a continuation of the previous talk titled "Two New Approaches for Solving Elliptic Obstacle Problems Using Discontinuous Galerkin Methods". In this talk, we will construct the discrete Lagrange Multipliers for both the methods(Integral constraints method and Quadrature point constraints method) and also derive the optimal order(with respect to regularity) a priori error estimates. Later part of the talk focuses upon a posteriori error estimates where we will construct error estimators for both the methods and we will have a look at the reliability of the estimators. Finally, we conclude the talk by presenting the numerical experiments checking the reliability and efficiency of the estimators.
Thu, 13.06.19 at 09:15
Generalized Moving Least Squares: Approximation Theory and Applications
Abstract. (joint work with P. Bochev, P. Kuberry, N. Trask) In this talk we present existence and approximation results for the reconstruction of a few classes of linear functionals, including differential and integral functionals, using the Generalized Moving Least Square (GMLS) method. These results extend or specialize classical MLS theoretical results, and rely both on the classic approximation theory for finite elements and on existence/approximation results for scattered data. In particular, we will consider the reconstruction of vector fields in Sobolev spaces and the reconstruction of differential k-forms. We show how these results can be applied to data transfer problems and to design collocation and variational meshless schemes for the solution of partial differential equations.
Wed, 12.06.19 at 09:15
On pressure robustness and adaptivity of a Virtual Element Method for the Stokes problem
Abstract. For the Stokes problem, many of the standard finite element method, e.g., Taylor-Hood, and also the virtual element method (VEM) proposed in [1] fail when it comes to small viscosity parameters Μ or when the continuous pressure is complicated. In this talk, a modification of the VEM is presented which makes the method pressure robust, i.e., locking free for very small Μ. For this purpose, a standard interpolation into Raviart-Thomas spaces of order k-1 will be employed which allows for a pressure robust modification of the discrete right hand side. In addition, an reliable error estimator is presented that makes adaptive mesh refinement possible. The presented numerical results will round up the presentation. [1] L. B. da Veiga, C. Lovadina, G. Vacca: Divergence free virtual elements for the Stokes problem on polygonal meshes. ESAIM: M2AN, 51(2). 2017
Thu, 06.06.19 at 13:15
Two New Approaches for Solving Elliptic Obstacle Problems Using Discontinuous Galerkin Methods
Abstract. The main aim of the talk is to present two new ways to solve the elliptic obstacle problem by using discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods. In the talk, using the localized behaviour of DG methods, we discuss an optimal order(with respect to regularity) {\em a priori} error estimates, in 3 dimensions. We consider two different discrete sets, one with integral constraints and the other with nodal constraints at quadrature points. The analysis is carried out in a unified setting which holds true for several DG methods using quadratic polynomials.
Thu, 06.06.19 at 09:15
The Hessian Discretisation Method for fourth order elliptic equations
Abstract. Fourth order elliptic partial differential equations appear in various domains of mechanics. They model for example thin plates deformations as well as 2D turbulent flows through the vorticity formulation of Navier-Stokes equations. Many numerical methods, most of them are finite elements, have been developed over the years to approximate the solutions of these models. In this talk, we will present the Hessian Discretisation Method (HDM), a generic analysis framework that encompasses many numerical methods for fourth-order problems: conforming and nonconforming finite element methods, methods based on gradient recovery operators, and finite volume-based schemes. The principle of the HDM is to describe a numerical method using a set of four discrete objects, together called a Hessian Discretisation (HD): the space of unknowns, and three operators reconstructing respectively a function, a gradient and a Hessian. Each choice of HD corresponds to a specific numerical scheme. The beauty of the HDM framework is to identify four model-independent properties on an HD that ensure that the corresponding scheme converges for a variety of models, linear as well as non-linear.
Wed, 05.06.19 at 09:15
A posteriori error estimation for HHO-methods - Part II
Fri, 31.05.19 at 17:15
Baysian FEM
Wed, 29.05.19 at 09:15
Taylor-Hood discretization of the Reissner-Mindlin plate
Wed, 22.05.19 at 09:15
A posteriori error estimation for HHO-methods
Wed, 15.05.19 at 09:15
An adaptive lowest order dPG-FEM for linear elasticity
Wed, 08.05.19 at 09:15
H&sup1 vector potentials for solenoidal vector fields with partial boundary conditions
Wed, 24.04.19 at 09:15
An adaptive lowest order dPG-FEM for the Stokes equations with optimal convergence rate
Thu, 21.02.19 at 11:30
Offsets of Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline curves for Computer Aided Design
Wed, 13.02.19 at 10:00
Optimal non-intrusive methods in high-dimension
Wed, 06.02.19 at 09:15
Guaranteed Lower Eigenvalue Bounds with the Weak Galerkin FEM
Wed, 30.01.19 at 09:15
Quasi-optimal convergence of adaptive LSFEM for three model problems in 3D
Wed, 16.01.19 at 09:15
Non-standard discretizations of a class of relaxed minimization problems
Wed, 05.12.18 at 09:15
Adaptive mixed finite element methods for non-selfadjoint indefinite second-order elliptic PDEs with optimal rates
Abstract. This talk establishes the convergence of adaptive mixed finite element methods for second-order linear non-selfadjoint indefinite elliptic problems in three dimensions with piecewise Lipschitz continuous coefficients. The error is measured in the L^2 norm of the flux variable and then allows for an adaptive algorithm with collective Dörfler marking. The axioms of adaptivity apply to this setting and guarantee the rate optimality for Raviart-Thomas and Brezzi-Douglas-Marini finite elements of any order for sufficiently small initial mesh-sizes and bulk parameter. Particular attention is laid out for the multiply connected polyhedral bounded Lipschitz domain and the quasi-interpolation of Nédélec finite elements.
Wed, 28.11.18 at 09:15
Advanced analysis of the DPG method
Abstract. The functional analytical framework of the discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin (DPG) method bases on three hypotheses. Carstensen’s, Demkowicz’s, and Gopalakrishnan’s 2016 paper introduces a general guideline to verify the first two hypotheses. This talk modifies their approach. This modification improves existing results and allows for the design of well-posed DPG methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems.
Wed, 21.11.18 at 09:15
Introduction to the Virtual Element Method
Abstract. This talk introduces the virtual element method that can be seen as an extension of finite element methods to polygonal and polyhedral meshes. The first part illustrates the core ideas and some implementation aspects in the discretisation of the Poisson model problem. The second part concerns an outlook to mixed problems, in particular the Stokes problem. The content of this talk is based on the papers "Basic principles of Virtual Element Methods", and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Virtual Element Method" by L. Beirao da Veiga, Franco Brezzi, Andrea Cangiani, Gianmarco Manzini, L. D. Marini, and Allessandro Russo.
Wed, 14.11.18 at 09:15
HLO methodology
Wed, 07.11.18 at 09:15
Adaptive Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Finite-Element-Methods
Tue, 06.11.18 at 16:15
Patch-wise local projection stabilized methods for convection-diffusion problem
Abstract. In this talk, we discuss on two stabilized methods incorporating local projections on the patches of the basis functions of finite element spaces. The underlying finite element spaces can be either the conforming finite element space or the classical nonconforming finite element space. Numerical experiments illustrating the effect of the stabilization will be presented. This is joint work with Dr. Asha K. Dond.
Fri, 02.11.18 at 14:15
The obstacle problem
Wed, 27.06.18 at 09:15
2.417 ...
A local a posteriori approximation error estimate for the companion operator
Tue, 26.06.18 at 13:30
Adaptive Mesh Refinement via Newest Vertex Bisection in n Dimensions - Part III
Wed, 20.06.18 at 13:30
Adaptive Mesh Refinement via Newest Vertex Bisection in n Dimensions - Part II
Wed, 20.06.18 at 09:15
Discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin Methods for the Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations
Wed, 13.06.18 at 15:15
Numerical approximation of planar oblique derivative problems in nondivergence form
Wed, 13.06.18 at 10:15
Non-standard Discretisation of a Class of Degenerate Convex Minimisation Problems
Mon, 11.06.18 at 09:15
Adaptive Mesh Refinement via Newest Vertex Bisection in n Dimensions - Part VI
Sun, 10.06.18 at 13:30
Adaptive Mesh Refinement via Newest Vertex Bisection in n Dimensions - Part V
Wed, 06.06.18 at 09:15
Finite element approximation of incompressible chemically reacting non-Newtonian fluids
Wed, 30.05.18 at 09:15
Quasi-optimal convergence of adaptive LSFEM in 3D
Fri, 25.05.18 at 13:15
Estimating the effect of data simplification for elliptic PDEs
Wed, 16.05.18 at 09:15
Guaranteed lower bounds for eigenvalues of elliptic operators in any dimension
Wed, 09.05.18 at 09:15
On the analysis of discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin methods
Wed, 02.05.18 at 09:15
Optimal convergence rates for adaptive lowest-order dPG methods
Wed, 25.04.18 at 09:15
Quantitative Anderson localization of Schrödinger eigenstates under disorder potentials
Wed, 18.04.18 at 09:15
Approximating the Cauchy stress tensor in hyperelasticity
Abstract. In this presentation, a least squares finite element method (LSFEM) is presented for the first order system of hyperelasticity defined over the deformed configuration in order to approximate the Cauchy stress tensor. Unlike the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, the Cauchy stress tensor is symmetric, a property intimately related to the conservation of angular momentum. With this work, we wish to explore the possibility of imposing the symmetry of the stress tensor, strongly or weakly, in non-linear elasticity. Firstly, an overview of a LSFEM for hyperelasticity (over the reference configuration) by (MĂŒller et al., 2014) is presented. Secondly, we address the question of under which conditions can a first order system over the deformed configuration be considered. Then, the former LSFEM is extended to the deformed configuration; we introduce a Gauss-Newton method for solving the non-linear minimization problem and show that, under small strains and stresses, the least-squares functional represents an a posteriori error estimator. Finally, we display numerical results for two test cases. These results indicate that this LSFEM is capable of giving reliable results even when the regularity assumptions from the analysis are not satisfied.